Monday, March 12, 2012

Cactus Blog Intro Step 1#

How to Growing & ID Cactus seedlings Intro Home Page
 Want to ID your cactus seedling without the wait? Or just want to grow cactus from seeds? I will take you through my journey step by step, as I grow cactus from a mix seed packet. As my seedlings grow, I will regularly take notes and pictures of their growth. So, once they past from seedling to mature adult cactuses they can be positively identified.  This will show photo evidence of each cactus growth cycle. Which, I'm hoping may help other cactus growers ID their own newly sprout seedlings, and know what they will grow to look like.  I am new to growing Cactuses from seed; but I am not new to gardening. Sometimes the best way to learn is to growing something yourself. Hope this helps someone!  
       Please note, for those looking to ID their cactus seedling; I am still in the very early stages of cataloging each cactus seedling group. Once, I am further along there will be a whole section on "ID-ing Cactus Seedlings" & "What will it grow to look like?"

      This first section explains the Step by Step process I used to grow and care for my cactus seedlings. I will post updated pictures of my seedlings development as they grow. So, please join me on this journey and watch Mother Nature's hand at work.

Step1# How to grow your very own Cactus from Seed,
Wrote cactus name on my own hand
     Well, first things first you have to find cactus seeds. If you're like me and don't live around the desert finding seeds can be the hardest Step (Tip: I found my cactus seeds on Their price was really cheap! 50 mixed cactus seeds for $1 + $2.50 shipping = $3.50) Note: When I received my seeds in the mail; Seedville gave me a free pack of 100 flower seeds plus a coupon for 50% off all there seeds. With the flat rate shipping no matter how many seed packs you buy; it's a great deal! Hope this helps you on your seed hunt!
Packet Of 50 Mixed cactus seeds from Amazon/Seedville
Above to the right is what I believe to be seeds from Saguaro Cactus. Shinny, Black, Apple seed shaped, One of the largest of the black seeds in the mix pack.  

Date I recived the seed pack is 3-12-12

Step 2# What Kind of Potting Mix to Use? Soil or Sand?
I have tried two different potting mixes. First, 100% Sand (builders) and second a 50-50 mix of 1 part Cactus soil to 1 part B-Sand. The 100% B-sand mix is my preferred method; but I have notice pros and cons for both mixes. For example, during this study the 100% sand mix has germinated 50% more seedlings and at a faster rate than the 50/50 soil/sand mix. But certain groups of seeds have only germinated in the 50-50 mix and not in the 100% sand mix. (More on germination to come) For more on a third choice of potting mix see page (Diatomaceous Earth Test)

Follow the steps below to make your own preffered potting soil Mix.

100% Sand Note: If you choose to use the 100% Builders Sand to germinate your cactus seeds; follow only the steps in paragraph (B# Below)

50-50 Mix Note: If you choose to go with the 50-50 soil & sand mixes follow both paragraphs A# and B# below. Then follow these last few steps...

  1. The ratio needed is 1:1; which mean 1 part sand to 1 part soil. Measure out sand to equal half the total volume you want to end up with.
  2. Place sand into the same large bowl or tin recyclable baking pan that was used in Paragraph A#
  3. Mix together the newly added sand into the soil which had already been measured out. This can be done by hand or with a large spoon. (I personal prefer by hand) Once this step is complete, your soil is all ready to be put into a pot. (Please see Step 3# "What Kind of Pot to Use?")
A#-Preparing Soil: Use Cactus soil (also known as Citrus soil)...
  1. Sterilize potting soil. See page "How To Sterilize Potting Soil" for more info
  2. Hand remove any large sticks or twigs (this can be done before or after step 1#)
  3. Sift soil first with a med sized strainer
  4. Then use the smallest sifter to remove the finest dirt/powder.
  5. Next place half the amount of soil you want to end up with in a large bowl or tin recyclable baking pan. (A Tin pan makes for easy cleanup!!!) (See 50-50 Mix Note above for the last few steps)
B#-Preparing Sand: Use Builders Sand...
  1. Remove all the really large to medium size rocks that tend to come in builder's sand. This can be done by hand or you can use a kids toy sand sifter (see picture 1A)
  2. Use a fine sifter to separate out all the really fine powdery sand (see picture 2B) This helps with drainaging.
  3. You should be left with sand and rocks no larger than about 1/8in to 3/16in (which is approximately 3.17mm to 4.76mm or 0.16cm to 0.48cm (once rounded to the nearest 100ths)
    2B fine sifter
    1A kids sifter

4. Now, your sand is all ready to be put into a pot. (Please see Step 3# What Kind of Pot to Use?)

Most store Sell these tools. I bought the builders sand and cactus soil at Lowes                     

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