Diatomaceous Earth Test

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Diatomaceous Earth Test

       There is an easily obtainable third choice for potting Mix I have come across; It is Diatomaceous Earth. I had used a powder form of D-Earth as a Pesticide (see Fungicide& Pesticide )  But, one day when I was reading up on soil types and I found this site: www.bonsai4me.com/Basics/Basicscatlitter.htm. This site talks about using cat litter and/or NAPA Super Absorbent; (which is normal used to clean up oil spills) as potting mix. I have decided to try this method out myself and compare the results with that of 100% sand mix and 50-50 soil & sand mix.  

Step 1#: Go to a Napa Auto Store and picked up a 5lb to 50lb pound bag of Super Absorbent. The bag I got looks different than the one off www.bonsai4me.com; it is called UltraSorb instead; but it should work just the same. (See 1A)

Step 2# Pick out a pot and rinse off the amount needed of UltraSorb. (see page Fungicide& Pesticide /Step A#) for information on washing Super/UltraSorb)

Step 3# You can use 100% Super Absorbent for potting mix, but for this test I personal want to use 9parts Super/UltraSorb to 1 part Sand. See "Home Page" for information on what type of sand and how to sift it.

Step 4# Fill pot with the Super/UltraSorb & Sand mix (ratio of 1:9 = a total of 10 parts)
Write on side of pot the plants name or seed group name like in (picture 1C)

Step 5# Sow seeds into pot filled with the 1:9 ratio mix. Keep a record of the number of seeds planted in each group. Plant cactus seeds 1/16in deep (see picture 1C)

Step 6# Use a spray bottle; to water carefully so not to wash the seeds out of place. Put a clear lid on top or place into clear Ziploc bag. Seedlings need 100% humidity to germinate. You can use light from a lamp or indirect sunlight. They should not get direct sunlight until they are more mature cacti's. I personally use both a lamp and natural sunlight. Because, seedlings need 16 to 20 hours of light and right now where I live we don't get long of sunlight each day.

Step 7# This step is optional, only if you want or have a heating pad. Place cactus seedlings onto heating pad during the days that are cold; and let them cool off at night. If you're heating pad works really will place folded toil in between you pot and the heating pad.

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